Read on for the latest news in real estate in Wayne, Nebraska and the surrounding communities as well as useful tips for buying and selling your home. Bonus features include a look into the good, the bad, and the ugly of homeownership as shared by blog author, homeowner, property manager, and real estate broker, Trisha Peters.
Welcome Home.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Big & Little Brothers

Any successful person will tell you that a strong support team is essential to their achievements.  In my case, a strong support team is essential to my survival and my sanity.  I am fortunate enough to be surrounded by a network of very talented people.  The ones I lean on the most include my family members.  For example, I have a little brother, Dale, who can fix anything.  Car broke down on the side of the road?  He can get you towed home and then have you back up and running the same day.  Have a plumbing leak?  He'll bring some PEX tubing and fittings over and have you doing a load of laundry in minutes.  Need a light fixture installed?  He has a roll of electrical wire on hand to get you going. Need a tree trimmed for a closing?  Here he comes with his bucket truck.  Those who know him, know he's always willing to lend a hand when a project needs done.

The guy is as handy as they come.  Even though he is my little brother, he has taught me a thing or two.  I guess it's payback for all the proofreading and school work I helped him with during grade school and college.  (Not to mention, dressing him up like the little sister I so desperately wanted a time or two!)

Then, there's my big brother, Tom.  Have a tax question?  He'll have an answer for you in minutes flat.  If not, he'll be doing the research to get you the answer.  This guy has more information stored in his head that you could write into the entire tax code each year.  Want to depreciate something?  Although his answer is usually a firm "no," you can rest assured that he didn't miss the legitimate items that can indeed be depreciated.  He is coming off of a hectic tax season filled with new tax code.  In fact, even the IRS encouraged the American public to file an extension because they didn't have all of the information out to preparers in a timely fashion.  There are two things in life you don't mess with: the Federal Government and Tom Hansen, CPA. 

(Speaking of which, my mom asked me the other day if I had my book work all up to date for my accounting appointment this year.  After a brief pause and some quick calculations I determined I am about 13 months behind on bookkeeping. "Give me three solid nights of nothing else to do, and I'll have it knocked out," I told her.  She laughed and simply said, "Good luck. Don't make your brother angry."  Bookkeeping is the curse of the small business owner.  I enjoy doing it, but finding the time can be the real challenge.  Just ask Tom.)  

With National Siblings Day being last week, I thought it worthy of a post to toot my horn about my brothers.  They can walk you through a engine diagram in nothing flat or talk you into a major purchase to keep the tax man at bay.  Life isn't all real estate and roses, so we have our moments just like any family does.  As long as you don't show up unexpectedly while we are working on a major project where we all want to be the boss, you probably won't see that side of us too often.  Welcome Home.